Saturday 29 March 2014

Harder week passed...

24th March 2014 (Monday) the day you’re left from Company and as usual I have to working…
But the different is I’m without you… T.T
In this morning, woke up and sit on my bed to convince to myself ‘Lee Siew Man, Life is still going on cheer up ya.. Happy day..’ I’m not even can smile…after prepared myself and get ready to work.. There is not Monday blues to me…(except this Monday)..
After parked my car and walk into office. As usual sign for attendance.. Sitting down, turn on my phone and have a read on newspaper..
Ding ding, uhmm…weird….whose will message me in the morning..
Owh….excited feeling… it’s a group chat notification…and it’s you….you…you’re message to us…laugh die..(so sweet).. Although you’re teased us ‘happy working day’, but you’d made my day…you’re sweep away my Monday blues… J
They’re sure wonder why I didn’t look sad..because they’re expecting I couldn’t live without you..thank you you for making me J

…Friday…It’s approached the day. Because I’m taken leave and plan to drop a visit to 6th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2014...


  1. Wah. Man man! U miss who so much? Potential bf? ;)

  2. @yung yung : LOL.... you know who it is... :D
