Saturday 24 May 2014

Boss, I hate you!!!!!!

Read an article, just feel like to share... you judge how true it is...Enjoy...

"How to be a really SCARY BOSS''

Scary Boss One - They will think that their job is to give order to staff, and the staff must follow their instruction just like a Zombie (no brain)

Scary Boss Two - They will be naively think that the staff don't work over 60 hours or stay back after normal working hours is lazy, not productive or pretending sick.

Scary Boss Three - They invested their all mind, body and soul only on figures. And the figures always can go up! Never able to come down. Never able to face the fact and the truth, or worse - adjust the numbers just to comfort themselves.

Scary Boss Four - They always think that they are THE ONE. Their mindset is, the rest are weak and hence, to always make things right, they must do it by themselves. Never let go their authority and power.

Scary Boss Five - They will never able to make any decision or even a small decision before the staff have to prepare and gather almost if not all of the data and information. Wasting staff man-hour is not a wastage.

Scary Boss Six - They will always take all the credits, triumph and smart ideas as their own if the final outcome went well. However, staff will be on the chopping board when things went wrong. When things went wrong, they will try their best to escape from the blame. Oh dear staff.

Scary Boss Seven - They love to play POKER. In fact, they are the best poker player in the world. The staff always playing guessing game during working hours. And the staff never know what it is. Further, the staff ask them a question, they will reply the question with another question. Enough to confuse the staff before they ask.

Scary Boss Eight - They are always willing to listen to the staff complains, the staff constructive feedback about them, genuine comments, but all of these will only keep in their hearts all the time. All these will only showcase on the table during year end staff evaluation time. Take care staff.

Scary Boss Nine - They always assume that they are the boss, and all the staff is nothing to them. Their attitudes, their behaviors, their jokes, their comments is up to every of the staff to swallow it and suck it up. That is why, they always lazy to control themselves and start yelling and biting anyone that walk pass.

So.... The staff.. how scary is your boss? How true is it?
To LIKE, To SHARE.... up to you....
Please take care....... The Staff....


  1. ><" scary bosses indeed. But I thought 1 is okay. Since bosses are meant to give out orders. Others are just horrible. I think they are stressed out :) There's always a saying, they will forget what you did well but always remember what you did wrong!
