Thursday 15 May 2014

Last day in MK~

My last day in MK... there were mix feelings when the day approach to me. And now, flashback my memory it's just like yesterday I join into the company. There are lots of memory in here, especially in here I have the pleasure get to know my wifey and now we are still BFF. Besides that, I also get to know little chicken boy, Calvin Wong Li Jhen :) and also other colleagues as well. Kinda much appreciate what they've giving to me. Thank you to all of you. Will miss you all much.. T.T

My working tag
 Now gotta be a history...

With cleaning auntie
She is purposely took her most beautiful dress in her wardrobe come to office and purposely change it and just because wanted take picture with me... Touching....T.T

With Syikin (left) and Ika (right)

Dang dang.. Our dishes being served... Lets makan...


Seafood tomyam...Slurp~

Nom nom nom~

Fried fish with sauce

With Syikin

With Ezleen (left) and Ms Tan (right)

With Syikin (left) and trainee Atiqah (second right) and naughty Zahirah (right)

Group Picture


With Ija (left) and Ika (right)

With trainee~

With trainee Aimi

Really unexpected I will received a gift T.T

Receive gift ceremony~


Is a desk lamp..TQ~

 Really nice to meet you all....All the best ya~


  1. Wah. Every one give u so much face yah :) Even other departments celebrate your last day. Anyways, gd luck in your future endeavors and all the best! ;)

    1. yeah!! unexpected....thanks wifey.. <3
