Monday 3 November 2014


02.11.SECRET J the day which is I born from my mum’s tummy belly...

I’m so thankful to my papa(daddy) and mama(mum) were bring me to this world. Throughout the years, I’m so thankful to both of you giving the best concern, endless love, and forgiveness.

My birthday eventually is the day in spite of to celebrate with family nor friend J 
In conjunction with my bali trip was on END OF OCTOBER MONTH, my BFF was giving me a little surprise during the trip.

Thank you so much for your little effort, I am really feeling loved from you. 

In my birthday eve, I was dated with babe @Katelyn and decided to being a day #taitaihightea
This is my second time visit on the same restaurant is due to I'm falling in love with their private room theme.

My first visit click here.

And this time me & babe were so lucky can get nice private room with garden feeling.

During night, of course is celebrate with family.

Blow candle and make a wish.. what's my wishes? Ahaa... the first one I'll wish for my parents and friends to stay healthy and happy everyday, following by I wish for my career to be smooth, excel and be promoted to higher position & the last one which is to wish I can get to meet my prince.. where are you...?? >.<  I'm searching for long time... please come out and meet me :(

The warmest feeling is when I get to know my wifey in hk is remember my birthday hence she has prepare my birthday pressie. *shy *wink *expensive spending

Thank you so much to you, wifey *love *I miss you so much & counting down the day you back to Malaysia >.<

Both of us were November babies~
Another birthday celebration with colleagues and the birthday cake was provided by the Company. :) THANK YOU SO MUCH <3


  1. Happy Birthday, Siew Man!

    I'm an accidental visitor :p Hope you don't mind me leaving this comment :)


    1. Hi Zoe, nice to meet you here. thank you for your wishes... wish best to you tooo ^^

  2. Siew Man hubby wish you all the best in career and love life! I'm coming back in April and we can go Johnny's. U start using the SKII yet?

  3. yung yung wifey, i'd mark my calendar and just waiting you back home... ^^ missing you... >.<
