Sunday 18 May 2014

Outing with beast, dating with Godzilla~

Aaaahhh!! Breezy Sunday morning, woke up with naturally, turn on my phone, saw Andrew beast's message and asked me ain't free for breakfast. p/s: In prior night he was message to me and asked where am I and I reply him at home, at first I thought he wants to kacau me only then continue to asking me when to start a new job and I said on Monday (tomorrow), then I fierce on him and reply with 'said that you wanted come to Seremban but orang pun tak nampak, keep giving me empty promise' :(  sad!! He carefully reply to me with pujuk me saying that he is busy with helping his mum in whole day.

Well, I turn up for the outing with him and he asks me where's the place got nice breakfast (since he is not a Serembanian) and I tell him jom we go to Ming Kok Restaurant for dim sum and he said ok. Further, I come the wordings 'you belanja' and he said ok too.. ^^ cause he is purposely treat me for found a new job, able to change a new work life and environment. Yippie...

After breakfast, I ask him want go for a movie together and he reply ok. He asks me where the place you wanted for movie and I told him 'hmmm...TGV' cause MBO's movie ticket so expensive (cause TGV offers early bird deals with minimum RM7 per ticket). He is using his phone check and buy via online. At first he is check for 11.30am slot but fullhouse :( so I told him got early slot he replied got....11am...then he check again...again!! Due to 11am slot the seats were separate (one have to sit in 'E' row and one have to sit in 'F' row), so he is decided to buy couple seats. I said ok. (Never been in couple seats cause I'm single in 26 years life) LOL...

Before that, haven't watch the trailer yet on particular movie, I just have seen once during tv programme (advertisement time). Since I'm in planning wanted to watch I just go into cinema with no doubt. :)

Here's the trailer :)

Awesome movie perhaps. Although it's a 2 hours+ movie, there is so amazing in every single scene. thumb up!!! worth to watch and highly recommended!!!

Thank you for reading :)

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