Friday 30 May 2014

#last day #reliefs

The day I've long awaited finally approaching.
Finally I've terminated my new job.
Curious? and you will asking why???
Dadaaaa... here you go the answer...
As mentioned in my prior blog, same things are applied in my new working environment and after I've deep considered, finally comes with a decision gotta quit this working environment. :( (the second working day being tendered my resignation letter to associate director).
Be honest, without the TWO scary boss for sure I'll stay in new working environment longer because during the two weeks I've learn alot what does prior company doesn't provided (in terms of working paper presentation, their audit system, the vouching and checking system and etc..). And those seniors quite good to me (in kl city couldn't expect those people as friendly as in my prior company). During the two weeks, I gotta be assigned to assist seniors in preparing the final audited report and I'm glad and honour gotta assist the 'most senior' in the department which is a guy (he is just older than me 2 years aged) and he is been in this company for four years. #shocking #happy
Anyhow, will looking forward my new job and working environment (positive thinking as strong as cockroach) :)

Thank you for reading ^^

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