Monday 28 April 2014

28.04.2014 - Calvin Wong Li Jhen's birthday is approaching~

Finally the day is approaching~ Why am I so excited? Aha, it’s his birthday. J

Calvin Wong Li Jhen, happy birthday to you…Wishing you stay healthy and happy always…

p/s : Due to you’re not free so cannot celebrate with you in advance, have to delay it…

Here’s birthday wishes specially dedicated to you J

Birthday wishes
Birthday wishes come but once a year
The gifts of love goodwill and cheer
A touch of love to show we care
Comes to you at this time of year

Birthday wishes from me to you
To thank you for the things you do
A symbol for all good you do
A token of friendship between me and you

A wish, a wish upon the stars
By the wishes the gift of love
Another year has come and gone
Older now but wiser yeah

Through the years you’ve improved with age
Like the finest pearl of the modern day
Birthday wishes to you upon this day
May your dreams be filled with
The deepest love upon this day

I do like to call his full name Wong Li Jhen when I get emo by him. L and he will reply me and said please stop calling my full name… and insist me to call him Calvin calvin calvin!! LOL

Although we’re get to know with each other only a short period, however, the joy moments between us I’ll never ever forget in all of my life. Thank you to get knows you.

Here’s the only picture we’re captured during his last working day in office…

p/s: ignore my tired look.. ==
Few pictures snap from his fb..

His emo look.. J

Young child look

His 'chok' look and the picture he like the most J

Does he look skinny enough? He could manage to have 5 meals per day (light meal) and still can have this kind of body shape…madness till maximum… L and not all the girl like to standing beside him because it will make the girl look bigger / stronger than him… L

I do prepare a birthday present for him and here to go..

Adidas Neon T-shirt

Get him a Adidas t-shirt so that he could wear it regularly. Hope he will like it.. J

p/s : How I miss your ‘uncle look’ L everytime when he make that expression sure make me laugh loudly..

At last, happy birthday say to you again… excel in your studies and exam.. J hope to meet you soon…

Sunday 27 April 2014

2D1N Legoland Trip in Malaysia

LEGOLAND entrance~
LEGOLAND here I come… was spending my short holiday at here…
Finally I’m here because I got the FREE entrance ticket from colleague and go together with her relatives. YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! J

There is few things MUST bring together:-
‘- An umbrella or cap or hat (due to lack of trees you can feel super-hot weather over there)
‘- Sunblock (to protect your skin from UV rays)
‘-1.5L water (to maintain or balance your body water level)

My first picture at LEGOLAND entrance~
Lego picture comes here~





p/s : I really do not what’s these lego name~ forgive me..

Take picture with LEGO toilet bowl.. haha XD

Scuba diving~

LEGO scuba~
Glance on what's in the drawing paper~

In railway~

Train is coming~

Train is coming~

BUBU~ reaching at platform.. 

LEGO sign~

With colleague~

Super hot weather until my face turn become red~

Have you ever see KLCC built by LEGO??

Look real, right? 

LEGO airport~

Another one~

Built by LEGO~ Amazing~

More to come~

Singapore Merlion Park~

Eye of Malaysia~

Riverside Point~

China Royal Castle

And here i would like so share some interesting video with you...

Music from different musical instrument

City of Kingdom

Another one...

With Ribena

Feel like in Egypt...

We play until 7pm then went for dinner… dang dang… here is our scrumptious dinner…

Fried Chicken Chop

Egg pizza

Grilled chicken steak with pasta

Lamb chop with pasta

Aglio Olio

Had a fun trip with colleague's relatives.. nice day... nice holiday...

Thank you for reading....

Thursday 24 April 2014

Dessert hunting~

Looking for healthy yet yummy dessert for high-tea?? Aha…. Here I have recommendation for bloggers.. 

dang  dang.... Kulai Lou Pan Organic Beancurd

         It is ‘tau fu hua’… one of my favourite dessert J
Kulai Lou Pan Organic Beancurd is famous in organic beancurd and located in Kulai, Johor. This restaurant has won a high reputation from the customers through their quality beancurd. Their beancurd is made without preservative, gypsum powder and coloring. Furthermore, beancurd is organic and it helps in healthy and beauty.

There is a new branch just open in Seremban and you’re not need to drive all the way to Johor. J
The texture is smooth and with little strong soy and milk taste and just right in sweet level. Nice!!

Monday 21 April 2014

A day trip

Breezing Sunday morning, woke up at 5am, brush my teeth, wash my face, wear proper running attire…done!! Get ready myself to join the charity anti-corruption run…!! Run run run!! What a fruitful day with boost running cells… up up up!!!

Run to the end point, took my certificate and there’s free bread and water giving away to us, so happy…  Assemble to waiting for bus come to pick up point to pick us to our next destination, which is tourist destination in Semenyih called Sek La Du Temple... This temple frequented by those praying and wishing for 'lucky' numbers. 

p/s : It’s been a time I didn’t come to here since last travel (couldn’t remember which year I came to here)… J

The scenery at temple


Guess which animal is my zodiac?

Just only little pictures are captured… be here for roughly 40 minutes then we’re going for lunch at Loon Sing Restaurant based at Nilai. At here famous with Buddha Jump Over The Wall... Sad I didn’t took food picture.. L

After had a pleasant lunch, bus driver send us back to our home sweet home…J

Thursday 17 April 2014

How to choose??? <----- -----> Left??? Right???

Left or right??? >.< how to choose…headache now…. L
Received a call from Genting Berhad today…aikss….it’s should be happy news…but unfortunately when I ask what I’ve written for my expected salary…. The girl told me 2.3k…..goshh….. why why why??? Suddenly I blame myself…why I so stupid….should write 2.5k….hmmm… they’re prepared the proposal to manager to get approval….hopefully will more than that amount…. L
Btw I’d accept the former offer….aikss….how to choose now..???  Be honest… if you ask me which the job offer you like the most and I’ll tell you of course the latter… although the company is stingy (p/s: from ex-staff whoever worked in this company before) however, if compare to the former company benefit of course I do like the latter…
The girl tells me will double confirm to me the pay by next week….hopefully can get the good news from her….Go go go!!! Fight for my future… J

Thank you for reading J

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Feeling super warming and touching :)

Turned up an interview on yesterday.. J yeah yeah yeah!!! One more resolution is cleared... So happy…finally get a new job…after I got the offer the first person I’ll told is my wifey….@xiaoyungyung… J yipppie…..any happy or unhappy things I’ll share with her… and sometimes she really can feel in my sentence…LOL..

After had lunch with my friend, walk around…feel tired….then took train back to Seremban..
Btw, the second person I’ll share with two little kittens…but…so sad.. L No anyone response or reply my message…. T.T So I just ignore it… two bad guys…geezzz….

After reached Seremban, o’s rain like cats and dogs….and strong wind + thunder storming…. == scary….Ohh my….how I goto take my car…… well…no choice…. Just sit at waiting place… hoping the rain will stop fast….the worse thing comes… the rain not even stop the worse thing is comes to me…..flood at the ktm station….gooshh…..first time ever I’d experience and have seen it with my eyes…really scarible….

What can I do…..stand up and move to other place…. After seen the rain become smaller decided to walk to car park….terrible experience comes to me… ohh no…. I’ve never been experience walk beneath flood…almost reach my knee…luckily I’m wearing skirt…..the other thing I have to take care is my shoes….how….aikss…don’t care other people’s eyes…take off my shoes and walk through the parking there…..Ohh my God….I’m so scare on thunder storming…after go into my car took a long breath…wow….never ever experience it….really excited than riding roller coaster….

At night, auntie called to me…and asks how's my interview….and I said…finally…I got the offer… but I know she will feel sad…. Because it is hard to find a true friend or even honest people in the office….(office politics) all people like wearing 'mask' in the office..haiz.... But no choice….i have to pursue my career and comfort her you with the sentence 'you can call me anytime….' XD J

After ended the conversation via phone, I’m really don’t know she will called to @calvin wong li jhen and telling him I’m found a new job….hahahaa…..cause I’m knowing him is busier than me…XD so don’t want to disturb him since last I’d posted into our group but seem no any response…L
After he ended class, he message to me….feel so warm….XD :P

Oklo…still take concern on my thing….forgive you… J chat awhile….and he is so excited wanted to know the full story…. And I said do you free now… I call you now….he said…nonono….i’m at outside….well….respect people….after he reached home due to he is too tired…and he has forgotten to message me again…. L aikss…..suddenly 1am morning reply back my message…when morning turn on my phone…really…shocking to saw his message….so do I reply back to him… J and finally I did called him and telling him the full story about the interview process… J feel so touching… J

Thursday 10 April 2014

New food explore..

Hi, it’s been a time didn’t update my blog…
It is because I’m been busy with auditing work… aiks…. Once a year peak period is start….sighh..!! L and busy went out for field audit too…tired…

Ahhhhaaa!!! FOODS can release my stress and pressure… J have you ever try salted fish bun… it’s famous  in town now….!!!

Hmmm…not so special taste….minced pork meat mix with salted fish, spring onion, a little bit ginger… but the skin I’m really not sure what the ingredient is..

Overall, taste not bad…but it's the only and the last try….

Thank you for reading J

Friday 4 April 2014


Here is my today’s lunch… V.V

There is famous in laksa indeed…but I’m having sore throat…so no choice…had the mihun soup J 

I’m so bad….when I knew today was been here… I’m on purpose capture and sent to him…. (Think back lots of memory since last we’ve been here) …how I miss you…. Aikss….

It’s your month….and I’m counting down our gathering day….. Looking forward it… J

Following here my all-time favourite red bean soup… yum yum…..feeling satisfied…. J

Red bean soup J 

Yes!!! Made you mouthwatering.... and you said you're so missed the foods i bad enough??XD

Wednesday 2 April 2014

What’s a bad luck day?

Arghhhh!!!  What’s a bad luck I’ve today….geeezz….


This morning I’ve been scheduled for an interview session… (At first I also wonder it is a joke with me??  1/4/xx was scheduled me on this date…think twice… As company isn’t so free to prank me la…)
Ok…asking her twice in the phone conversation… confirm is 1/4/xx…confirm….Alright… the company sent me an email…. Aha…. My feeling wow….isn’t a joke neh…..okla….turn up for the interview session as scheduled on today..

Early the morning dressed up myself… put make up…blow my hair….put fragrance… alright, finally done….hmmm…not to consider drive down to kl today…since which is can stop by using public transport…

Reached kl…owh….it’s still early…..and feel abit hungry since just took little breakfast in this morning… alright…hmmm…what do I wanted to eat for lunch…?? Sushi, fast food, Taiwan foods…..etc… the end…of course I chose sushi….my all-time favourite… J

After lunch walk around to help digestion….when the time I went to concourse… aha..there is SK II function in the middle of stage… and a guy approach me with a white rose… (wonder again….isnt april fool or valentine’s day?? XD) who cares… I’m just taking it and received it…  J and I know my bestie is favourite in white rose so I capture and show to her… :D

Tic toc….time flies…… aha…time for interview…alright…reach there 15mins early as per scheduled….
Be invited to sitting down in a room and waiting for HR staff passes the test paper to me… 30mins past… done the test….and I’m be instructed to sit for a while waiting for the Manger to come.. First time ever….make me shocking… me need to face to 4 interviewer in a time…owhh…goooshhh….my God….Since I’m just got the blessings from three matter how just do my best….Lee Siew Man….go go go….you can do it….you can handle it…

After an hour, the interview session is done….hmmm….will I get the offer??? Aiks…just did my best…. Take it easy….taking lift goes to Ground floor… need to take back my driving license (need to register in security there and pass them either IC or driving license, so I choose the latter..) the worse incident happen on me……arghhhh!!! My driving license (latest) was taken by other person…what the lame security guard….(my number is 200 and the other person is 209…my driving license was clipped on 209 and the person was left)….T.T

Please….i ‘m just want to get back my driving license…..what’s a bad luck day…. Some more they said it’s ever first incident happen to them….nonono….geezz…. I called the guard please invite your manager come to Ground floor I want discuss with him what’s the solution now..(because I’m insist want to either get back my driving license….or  I want them compensate to me…. Truly is their fault what…. If they’re willing to compensate me at least tomorrow I can go to Pos Office Malaysia to do the new one)… I tell them without the driving license how I can drive…after listening, they also agreed what I’ve said……after check the register log book…the other person who mis-taken my driving license is Dato status person….and he is been in MCA building…..what can I do….actually the staffs was offered me: ‘you want to come together to meet the Dato or you want to wait here?” hmm…ok..nvm…I  follow them…..walk walk walk……..around 30mins….finally meet the Dato and get back my driving license...the time get back my driving license is 6pm….owh…somemore it is rain like cats and dogs at outside….they’re really kind of …..keep saying sorry…made you inconvenience….bla bla bla……treats me a drink…..

Around 6.30pm….finally I can get into bus and the way back to home….. J Thank God….

What a terrible day I had…. L