Wednesday 16 April 2014

Feeling super warming and touching :)

Turned up an interview on yesterday.. J yeah yeah yeah!!! One more resolution is cleared... So happy…finally get a new job…after I got the offer the first person I’ll told is my wifey….@xiaoyungyung… J yipppie…..any happy or unhappy things I’ll share with her… and sometimes she really can feel in my sentence…LOL..

After had lunch with my friend, walk around…feel tired….then took train back to Seremban..
Btw, the second person I’ll share with two little kittens…but…so sad.. L No anyone response or reply my message…. T.T So I just ignore it… two bad guys…geezzz….

After reached Seremban, o’s rain like cats and dogs….and strong wind + thunder storming…. == scary….Ohh my….how I goto take my car…… well…no choice…. Just sit at waiting place… hoping the rain will stop fast….the worse thing comes… the rain not even stop the worse thing is comes to me…..flood at the ktm station….gooshh…..first time ever I’d experience and have seen it with my eyes…really scarible….

What can I do…..stand up and move to other place…. After seen the rain become smaller decided to walk to car park….terrible experience comes to me… ohh no…. I’ve never been experience walk beneath flood…almost reach my knee…luckily I’m wearing skirt…..the other thing I have to take care is my shoes….how….aikss…don’t care other people’s eyes…take off my shoes and walk through the parking there…..Ohh my God….I’m so scare on thunder storming…after go into my car took a long breath…wow….never ever experience it….really excited than riding roller coaster….

At night, auntie called to me…and asks how's my interview….and I said…finally…I got the offer… but I know she will feel sad…. Because it is hard to find a true friend or even honest people in the office….(office politics) all people like wearing 'mask' in the office..haiz.... But no choice….i have to pursue my career and comfort her you with the sentence 'you can call me anytime….' XD J

After ended the conversation via phone, I’m really don’t know she will called to @calvin wong li jhen and telling him I’m found a new job….hahahaa…..cause I’m knowing him is busier than me…XD so don’t want to disturb him since last I’d posted into our group but seem no any response…L
After he ended class, he message to me….feel so warm….XD :P

Oklo…still take concern on my thing….forgive you… J chat awhile….and he is so excited wanted to know the full story…. And I said do you free now… I call you now….he said…nonono….i’m at outside….well….respect people….after he reached home due to he is too tired…and he has forgotten to message me again…. L aikss…..suddenly 1am morning reply back my message…when morning turn on my phone…really…shocking to saw his message….so do I reply back to him… J and finally I did called him and telling him the full story about the interview process… J feel so touching… J

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