Wednesday 2 April 2014

What’s a bad luck day?

Arghhhh!!!  What’s a bad luck I’ve today….geeezz….


This morning I’ve been scheduled for an interview session… (At first I also wonder it is a joke with me??  1/4/xx was scheduled me on this date…think twice… As company isn’t so free to prank me la…)
Ok…asking her twice in the phone conversation… confirm is 1/4/xx…confirm….Alright… the company sent me an email…. Aha…. My feeling wow….isn’t a joke neh…..okla….turn up for the interview session as scheduled on today..

Early the morning dressed up myself… put make up…blow my hair….put fragrance… alright, finally done….hmmm…not to consider drive down to kl today…since which is can stop by using public transport…

Reached kl…owh….it’s still early…..and feel abit hungry since just took little breakfast in this morning… alright…hmmm…what do I wanted to eat for lunch…?? Sushi, fast food, Taiwan foods…..etc… the end…of course I chose sushi….my all-time favourite… J

After lunch walk around to help digestion….when the time I went to concourse… aha..there is SK II function in the middle of stage… and a guy approach me with a white rose… (wonder again….isnt april fool or valentine’s day?? XD) who cares… I’m just taking it and received it…  J and I know my bestie is favourite in white rose so I capture and show to her… :D

Tic toc….time flies…… aha…time for interview…alright…reach there 15mins early as per scheduled….
Be invited to sitting down in a room and waiting for HR staff passes the test paper to me… 30mins past… done the test….and I’m be instructed to sit for a while waiting for the Manger to come.. First time ever….make me shocking… me need to face to 4 interviewer in a time…owhh…goooshhh….my God….Since I’m just got the blessings from three matter how just do my best….Lee Siew Man….go go go….you can do it….you can handle it…

After an hour, the interview session is done….hmmm….will I get the offer??? Aiks…just did my best…. Take it easy….taking lift goes to Ground floor… need to take back my driving license (need to register in security there and pass them either IC or driving license, so I choose the latter..) the worse incident happen on me……arghhhh!!! My driving license (latest) was taken by other person…what the lame security guard….(my number is 200 and the other person is 209…my driving license was clipped on 209 and the person was left)….T.T

Please….i ‘m just want to get back my driving license…..what’s a bad luck day…. Some more they said it’s ever first incident happen to them….nonono….geezz…. I called the guard please invite your manager come to Ground floor I want discuss with him what’s the solution now..(because I’m insist want to either get back my driving license….or  I want them compensate to me…. Truly is their fault what…. If they’re willing to compensate me at least tomorrow I can go to Pos Office Malaysia to do the new one)… I tell them without the driving license how I can drive…after listening, they also agreed what I’ve said……after check the register log book…the other person who mis-taken my driving license is Dato status person….and he is been in MCA building…..what can I do….actually the staffs was offered me: ‘you want to come together to meet the Dato or you want to wait here?” hmm…ok..nvm…I  follow them…..walk walk walk……..around 30mins….finally meet the Dato and get back my driving license...the time get back my driving license is 6pm….owh…somemore it is rain like cats and dogs at outside….they’re really kind of …..keep saying sorry…made you inconvenience….bla bla bla……treats me a drink…..

Around 6.30pm….finally I can get into bus and the way back to home….. J Thank God….

What a terrible day I had…. L

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