Thursday 17 April 2014

How to choose??? <----- -----> Left??? Right???

Left or right??? >.< how to choose…headache now…. L
Received a call from Genting Berhad today…aikss….it’s should be happy news…but unfortunately when I ask what I’ve written for my expected salary…. The girl told me 2.3k…..goshh….. why why why??? Suddenly I blame myself…why I so stupid….should write 2.5k….hmmm… they’re prepared the proposal to manager to get approval….hopefully will more than that amount…. L
Btw I’d accept the former offer….aikss….how to choose now..???  Be honest… if you ask me which the job offer you like the most and I’ll tell you of course the latter… although the company is stingy (p/s: from ex-staff whoever worked in this company before) however, if compare to the former company benefit of course I do like the latter…
The girl tells me will double confirm to me the pay by next week….hopefully can get the good news from her….Go go go!!! Fight for my future… J

Thank you for reading J

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